Name Change for Super Models Middle East
Name Change for Super Models Middle East

Super Models Middle East (SMME) has changed its name to CreateMENA and widened its services to include architectural models, corporate installations, and bespoke builds.
We are seeing an increase in clients requesting more unusual builds and corporate installations for entrances to head offices, etc. Using the equipment available to us through our line partner Clarion Sign LLC, we can fabricate from steel and aluminium to create 1:1 feature builds. We also have access to an 8×4′ laser cutter able to cut up to 20mm thick acrylic, an 8×4 CNC router for cutting timber from CAD drawings, a high-powered laser cutter for steel plate and a 3m x 5m waterjet cutter able to cut up to 20mm thick steel plate. Adding this equipment allows us to automate a substantial part of the fabrication process and merge multiple fabrication methods, resulting in a more cost-effective solution.
To inquire about our services or to discuss your architectural model-making or bespoke build requirements, please email